National Scotch Day - 27 July 2021
There is so much smoke and mirrors when it comes to Scotch. Even the drink we know today is a relatively recent development, transformed as it was by the end of Prohibition and the flood of charred - and relatively cheap barrels that came onto the market as a result. The rules for Scotch are pretty strict and the marketing spin complex - should it be a single malt or is blend better? What's age got to do with anything? And yet it remains an alluring beast, rich in diversity, character and application. It's a delightful mixer with shrubs, be it a straightforward yet hugely rewarding whisky soda or a variation on a Manhattan with a distinctive Scottish twist that is a Rob Roy. In many ways, it feels a bit unsung, a buttoned up yet impeccably dressed tweed wearer that has leanings to full on fancy dress. We love a dark horse at Shrub HQ.