Strawberry & Apple Balsamic Shrub
Strawberries and balsamic are a fabulous marriage of flavours; a grind of pepper gives a savoury edge
You will need a Tupperware container and sterilised bottles
250g strawberries
125g sugar
65ml apple balsamic vinegar
A grind of black pepper
- Grind the pepper into the vinegar and leave to infuse
- Rinse, de-stalk and quarter the strawberries
- Mix the strawberries and sugar in the Tupperware container; leave for 2 days in a cool place
- Strain the syrup that forms through a fine sieve into a jug
- Rinse the strawberries through with the infused balsamic vinegar
- Taste - add more sugar or vinegar if needed
- Pour into sterilised bottle
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